123-years-old Tampere Market Hall is home to 33 small companies specializing in versatile delicacies and handicrafts. Below you will find a list of all shops with contact information and opening hours.
Please note that restaurant kitchens generally close half an hour before closing time.
4 Vuodenaikaa (Restaurant)
Atmospheric French restaurant loved by the locals and critics.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9.30–18
Saturday 9–16
www.4vuodenaikaa.fi | phone: +358 3 2124712
Aallon Leipomo (Bakery)
Local bakery boasting with breads, baked goods and the best-in-country traditional Easter treat, mämmi.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.aallonleipomo.fi | phone: +358 3 223 2445
Boulangerie Marco (Bakery)
The most authentic French bakery & cafe in town.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.boulangeriemarco.fi | phone: +358 45 78380704
Brander (Bakery)
A bakery with comprehensive selection of gluten-free bakery & confectionery products.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.brander.fi | phone: +358 3 2220 607
Brander Café
Traditional salty and sweet café treats, also gluten-free.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.brander.fi | phone: +358 44 354 8085
Café de Halle
Tampere’s most imaginative display of sweet & salty delicacies & selection of drinks.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.cafedehalle.com | phone: +358 40 829 7588
Hakasen Leipomo (Bakery)
Traditional and local bakery products, from pärämätsi to black sausage buns.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.hakasenleipomo.fi | phone: +358 10 327 1711
Heart of Spain (Tapas Bar & Delicatessen)
Spanish tapas bar & delicatessen full of Tierra de Sabor original brand products.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 9–16
Herkkuveräjä (Grocery Store)
A tiny grocery store with 95 % local products from meats & eggs to jams & sauces.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.herkkuveraja.fi | phone: +358 3 222 0700
Juustosoppi & Viinisoppi (Cheese Shop & Wine Bar)
Tampere’s only privately owned cheese shop with comprehensive cheese counter & smallest wine bar.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.juustosoppi.fi | phone: +358 40 588 5801
Kahvila Aniitta (Café)
Traditional Finnish café with tasty treats & hearthy service.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.kahvilaaniitta.fi | phone: +358 3 2142 585
Kalaherkut Nygren (Fish Shop)
The best fish counter in the world, or at least in Tampere.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.kalaherkut.fi | phone: +358 3 212 4721
Kauppahallin Kotilounas (Restaurant)
Wholesome home-cooked food at affordable prices.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.kauppahallinkotilounas.fi | phone: +358 40 727 6331
Kauppahallin leipomo (Bakery)
Tiny bakery selling the most authentic rye bread & goods that taste like a visit to Finnish grandma’s house.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.kauppahallinleipomo.fi | phone: +358 44 237 5558
Koivisto (Meat Shop)
The city’s most comprehensive quality cold cut counter, that also sells reindeer products.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.leikkeleliike.com | phone: +358 3 2124 663
Kukkapuoti Katri Intonen (Flower Shop)
A full-service flower shop, also online and with home delivery.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
www.kukkapuoti.org | phone: +358 3 222 6431
Lihakipparit (Meat Shop)
Tampere’s most traditional meat counter for local food lovers – also home for the famous mustamakkara!
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.lihakipparit.fi | phone: +358 3 212 4441
Maahan Deli (Restaurant)
A tasty journey to the cuisines of the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf with selected wines & drinks.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.maahandeli.fi | phone: 40 671 9991
Soul Food from African, Carribean and African American kitchens.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10.30–18
Saturday 10.30–16
www.maira.fi | phone: +358 50 401 4463
Natsu Japanilainen ravintola (Restaurant)
A changing selection of gems of Japanese cuisine.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
Facebook: Japanilainen Ravintola Natsu
Ohana Grille (Restaurant)
An award winning burger lover’s paradise.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
www.ohanarestaurants.com | phone: +358 40 702 2988
Pullapuoti Wilenius (Bakery)
Bakery selling the traditional Karelian pies & other Finnish goods.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.pullapuotiwilenius.fi | phone: +358 3 223 0783
Pyynikin Munkkikahvila (Café)
Finland’s most famous munkki’s (=local donuts).
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
www.munkkikahvila.net | phone: +358 3 4518 0063
Pyörykkäbaari (Restaurant)
Huge meatballs and a wide selection of other homemade foods.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
www.kauppahallinpyorykkabaari.fi | phone: +358 50 587 8766
Ranger Kauppahalli
“Damn good food” & chill out athmosphere.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
www.texasrangerbq.com | puh. +358 40 166 8922
Sarin Salonki (Hair Salon)
A hairdresser’s with relaxed service for the whole family.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
www.kauppahallinparturikampaamo.fi | phone: +358 45 332 9730
Sushibar Umami (Restaurant)
The best sushi in town.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
NOTE: Umami will be closed from September 14th until October 5th.
Instagram: @umami_tampere
Tallipihan Suklaapuoti (Chocolate Shop)
The most beautiful candy shop in town.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
www.suklaapuoti.fi | phone: +358 40 181 2363
Tampereen Eurolohi (Restaurant)
Fresh salmon dishes with new delicious twists.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 10–18
Saturday 10–16
www.eurolohi.fi | phone: +358 45 356 3523
Vihannespuoti Vallius (Grocery Store)
The most photogenic local fruit & vegetable counter in Tampere.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
Instagram: @vihannespuotivallius | phone: +358 44 3032959
Vitanella (Natural Product Store)
The city’s most comprehensive natural & health product counter with full service.
Opening times
Monday to Friday 9–18
Saturday 9–16
Facebook: Vitanella | phone: +358 3 214 2548